Adding a Print this Page Button to a list Item

Posted March 29, 2013 By Kevin Bennett

Needed to Print a list item form out so I added this Code to a CEWP at the top of the Form

<input type=”button” value=” Print this page ” onclick=”window.print();return false;” />


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How to find features that are messed up and remove

Posted January 21, 2013 By Kevin Bennett

User Feature Admin tool from Codeplex

 Run and search for errors in features.



Simple … right

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Site moved

Posted January 13, 2013 By Kevin Bennett

I have moved the site to a new server. Moving from Godaddy to a Rackspace cloud server.

I will post the steps I took on my blog site

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Users listed in People Picker

Posted November 26, 2012 By Kevin Bennett

Here are some quick notes I ran into when working with our People Picker, or list of all users on Sharepoint 2010.

To see all users of the site: http://SiteAddress/_catalogs/users/simple.aspx

But you cant delete multiple, can only delete each, so go to:

This will let you delete mutiple users at a time .. huge time saver.


but our people picker was still finding users from the old domain, So i found this:,v=office.14).aspx

And set the PeoplePicker to only search our current domain for users. with command:
stsadm -o setsiteuseraccountdirectorypath -path “DC=,DC=local” -url https://SiteCollectionURL

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This is a simple little script that I added on to a previous script to get Computer Bitlocker Report and Post the totals to Sharepoint 2010 List

# Check if the Sharepoint Snapin is loaded already, and load if not
if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell

$reportcsv = Import-CSV q:\.csv

$totalTrue = $reportcsv | Where-Object {$_. -eq "TRUE"} | Measure-Object HasBitlockerRecoveryKey -line
$totalFalse = $reportcsv | Where-Object {$_. -eq "FALSE"} | Measure-Object HasBitlockerRecoveryKey -line

#Setting our variables, Site name, List name, file to import and Caml
$spWeb = Get-SPWeb -Identity "https://"
$Summarylist = $spWeb.Lists[""]

#adds Report to SharePoint List
$item = $list.Items.Add();
$item["True"] = $totalTrue.lines;
$item["False"] = $totalFalse.lines;

Of course you should replace the that I put in above with your info, but you get the idea.


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