Archive for May 20th, 2014

Errors Running New site collection

Posted May 20, 2014 By Kevin Bennett

I ran into an error running a new site collection on our new Server 2012 SharePoint 2013 Web Farm.

Here is the link to the error and ULS logs: Error in Sharepoint 2013

Although I have yet to figure out what is causing the error I was able to narrow it down to relating to Claims Based Authentication.

I worked around this by removing the Web Application that was using Claims Based and created a Windows Authenticated Web Application. You can not do this via the GUI and need to run a powershell command to complete.

The command I ran was:

New-SPWebApplication -Name -ApplicationPool -AuthenticationMethod -ApplicationPoolAccount -Port -URL

I will update if I ever figure out why Claims is not working. A few things I need to look into are Ports and Permissions, since these are managed by different departments than mine I suspect that used the least privilege/access which might be causing my issues.

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